Remote control via semihosting

By Martin Ribelotta | November 2, 2020

In this article, we communicate our embedded cortex-m with the PC during debug session using a trick called semihosting. This trick provides access to host IO (console, filesystem, shell execution) remotely from our embedded device.

Debug output and reason to do via semihosting

The most direct way to debug some embedded device is to produce a change in observable output directly from code. Some techniques to do this will be:

Led blinking, PWM or heart beat (change in the rhythm of blinking)

This technique is really easy to implement but the capable information to show is very limited. In contrast, the resource consumption is quite small.


Pin move and catch it using logic analyzer

Is a sophistication of the led blinking. This provides more accurate way to show data from one or more pins. This need a logic analyzer and special software to decode the signals.


In many cases, this is the preferred way to debug behavior of our system because this is the less invasive way to detect the dynamic status of involved signals and is universal of all scenarios.

The big issue of this method is the need to provide some physical access to required signals that may be not possible in many cases (Imagine the physical challenge to connect around 33 data signals of parallel bus with your clock to an external debug probe)

Serial output

Is an evolution of pin move. This technique move the debug pin as a serial port output, in suitable form to connect directly to an UART into PC or an serial to usb converter. This can be achieved using a hardware serial port in the MCU or via software emulation using timers, interrupts or DMA streams.

This enable to send any type of data. Normally we want to send a text in ascii format in a human readable way but we can implement some compression and use an special program in the receiver side to show in a terminal program or some like this.

This is more expensive in hardware (or cpu time if we decide emulate the serial in software) than the simple pin movement but provides a more sophisticated interface.


Debug channel facilities

Some debugger systems offer facilities to inspect memory and present the contents in human readable way. By example, we can trigger a memory dump in specific area when we encounter a breakpoint in the code, and produce, programmatically these breakpoints after the inspectable memory region was filled with your message.


The last option is the root of semihosting techniques, not only for ARM, but also for any architecture capable to be debugged and trigger a software breakpoint, like MIPS, RISC-V, AVR, xtensa, nios, xcore, and virtually all recently cores with integrated debugger

Semihosting technique have many advantages over other methods:

  • We can use only one cable (the debugger cable)
  • We have access to many functions not only console print and write. Also, using semihosting we can write and read files from your filesystem (with permission from the user that actually runs the corresponding debug bridge like openocd) or execute host binaries via system call
  • The interface and hardware involved is common to all platform independent of your vendor (at least in cortex-m and risc-v). Programming this with cares, we can run the same semihosting code in any cortex-m platform.

But not all is good, some disadvantages appear if we chose this as debug engine:

  • When we have in system call (like write, read or printf) the processor is halted until the host end to process the call. If we code is heavy time dependant, may break your debug experience too much.
  • The call consume variable time depending of the power of host, the operation requested and (firstly) the debug interface speed. Again, the call latency may broke the system and invalidate your debug experience.
  • The amount of ram is quite small but normally, the semihosting is implemented using c libraries like newlib or picolibc and these libraries may consume more than simple led blinking.
  • We need a host connected to the device when your software is running.

Having said that, the semihosting debug techniques is powerfully in many cases and the potential problems can be avoided or mitigated with a careful debug planning.

Semihosting technical background

The magic beside of semihosting is only the ability to inform to the debugger in the host when the processor suffer a software interrupt, enabling the host to catch it using the hardware debugging system (half inner the CPU chip, half in the host machine in form of software stack)

semihosting flow

The steps was explained below:

  • The device and the host are communicated via debug interface controlled in the host, by the debug bridge (software like openocd, stlink or jlinkutils) using some interface like JTAG, SWD, or other, normally as a specialized hardware interface (usb to jtag chips, parallel port connection, or other hardware that enable communication to the debug interface in the device)
  • These software poll the status of the device in regular periods and check the CPU state for some special conditions triggered in semihosting call.
  • In the device, before we do semihost call, need to perform several actions:
    • Prepare a memory buffer with the corresponding data and configure the CPU registers to point to this data block. Normally, in another record we need to put the system call number (an integer that indicates the action to be performed)
    • When the device environment is ready, the CPU perform an action that trigger some hardware exceptions or interrupt that can be catched from the debug subsystem internally on the chip. In cortex-m this imply a special instruction called bkpt #number with an special value in #number. In other architectures the action may imply trigger an interrupt or put some special value in memory mapped register but the concept is the same. This halt the CPU (or, at least the core that generate the exception)
  • When the debug bridge detect the halt condition caused by a debug exception, notify the host for halt CPU state via debug interface (JTAG, SWD, etc) and select the type of call using the number previously stored in an special CPU register. If the call need more data (like the previously write buffer), the host read from the device to the host these data and use this to perform the requested action.
  • Now, with any required data copied from device to host, the this perform the requested action. This may imply, write in screen, read from file or standard input, get system information or any function provided by the debug bridge software running in the host. In some cases, the debug bridge software can communicate with other software via socket or other inter process mechanism to delegate the actions in specialized software or plugin.
  • When the host action is finished, the result of these action is packed and sended to the device if required (not all semihost call need returned data). The data is write in special buffer in the device via debug interface actions and, finally, the halted CPU is resumed when the environment is actualized.

The semihosting action will be transparent for the device. This imply, by example, when we perform a file read in semihosting mode, the behavior will be exactly like a file read locally.

The concrete ARMv7M (aka cortex-m) semihosting

The concrete implementation of semihosting in ARMv7M (aka cortex-m) is quite simple. Only need to put the number of the call in r0 and the pointer to parameter array in r1. The number and type of parameter array is call dependent. When the semihosting resume the CPU execution, a return code is put in r0. If the host need to pass other information (like file data block) the function call will be provide a memory buffer pointer as an one of the parameters passed in the array pointed by r1.

; file: sys_semihost.S 
; @csignature: int sys_semihost(int, void*)
; @brief: Semihosting call
; @param  [r0]: System call number
; @param  [r1]: Pointer to parameters
; @return [r0]: System call result
	bkpt #0xab
	bx lr

You may call the code in your C/C++ program as:

extern int sys_semihost(int req, void *args)

void semihost_puts(const char *str)
	sys_semihost(0x04, (void*) str);

In this example, the function invoked is SYS_WRITE0 that is represented with the code 0x04. This function write a zero terminated string on stdout. The memory block containing the zero terminated string is passed in r1 (the second parameter)

The return value (in r0) is undefined and may be corrupted by the semihost operation.

Another example is the case of an open syscall that open a file and return an integer used as reference to these file in subsequent calls of write and read:

#include <string.h>

extern int sys_semihost(int req, void *args)

int semihost_open(const char *name, const char *mode)
	int params[] = {
		(int) name, (int) mode, strlen(mode)
	return sys_semihost(0x01, params);

In this case, r0 contains the syscall code 0x1 corresponding to SYS_OPEN function and r1 contain pointer to array of tree integers containing the pointer to the file name at index 0, the pointer of string mode at index 1 and the size of string mode in index 2.

On finish, r0 contains an integer number representing the file descriptor for refer the new opened file, or -1 in case of error.

A complete list of semihosting system calls and the required parameters can be found in armcc manual from arm site

Another story: RISC-V Semihosting

The semihosting technique is quite simple to implement. we only need a debug capability in your processor, a little memory area of exchange, and a some mechanism to catch with the debugger.

For this, is not strange that practically all recent architectures have semihosting support. The rising RISC-V is not the exception.

In short, the treatment is much similar that ARM semihosting. The r0 and r1 is replaced by x10 and x11 respectively (argument 0 and argument 1 in risc-v call convention), and BKPT is replaced by instruction EBREAK that can be detected by the debugger.

Last but not least, EBREAK is not only used for semihosting interruptuion, also is used to mark unreachable code by some compilers (gcc) or inserted as software breakpoint by some debuggers (gcc, ldb, etc). For this reason, the semihosting encode a tow NOP instructions with special encoding in order to mark these particular EBREAK occurrence for the debugger.

; file: sys_semihost.S 
; @csignature: int sys_semihost(int, void*)
; @brief: Semihosting call
; @param  [x10]: System call number
; @param  [x11]: Pointer to parameters
; @return [x10]: System call result
    slli x0, x0, 0x1f   # Entry NOP
    ebreak              # Break to debugger
    srai x0, x0, 7      # NOP encoding the semihosting call number 7

The corresponding documentation of this technique is found in RISC-V ISA manual and is discuted in this RISC-V debug specification issue

Semihosting with newlib: The easy way

A minimal semihosting framework must be provide a console IO, file IO and not so much more. Is not difficult to implement this using the above documents from ARM and some little C and ASM code but the gcc arm embedded, and specifically the libc bundled on it (newlib) provides many of the work with a funny and familiar interface.

RDIMON an newlib with gcc

Originally, RDIMON was a library bundled with ancient ARM port of newlib (BTW, newlib is the standard c library for embedded and resource constraint systems) as part of libgloss, a little piece of code dedicated to implements the system dependent part of the newlib. This implement the Angle software procedure call.

The original idea was the vendor provides a piece of code called monitor (maybe in ROM or FLASH into board) and this catch the debug monitor interrupt, performing the communication between the embedded device and software daemon in the host system, normally via serial port network or other communication channel. This piece was baptized by ARM as Angle debug monitor or ADB

With the advance of the technology, the monitor was replaced by dedicated hardware called debug macrocell and finally the interface communication to the host transform in JTAG or SWD but the original idea work in same way, and the name RDIMON for these library is maintained for compatibility.

These library was update with newer ARMv6 and ARMv7 debug interface enabling modern semihosting interactions and many JTAG/SWD controllers like openocd JLink or stlink software provides all of the interfaces specified in RDIMON API.

By the way, the newlib bundled with gcc in gcc arm embedded distribution (from ARM and others third part vendors) implements as a library all things needed to use semihosting as a stdio output/input.

This imply that use printf/scanf style C functions and show the result in your debugger console (ok, sorry, in the output of your debug bridge like openocd or jlink)

The arm gcc embedded distribution includes librdimon.a and librdimon_nano.a out of the box (the first is the full fledged variant and the *_nano contain the memory footprint reduced with limited functionality)

For use this, we only need to add the link flag to final phase:

arm-none-eabi-gcc -o firmare.elf main.o other.o module.o -lc -lrdimon

Or for the nano version:

arm-none-eabi-gcc -o firmare.elf main.o other.o module.o -lc_nano -lrdimon_nano

If we want gcc to automatically choose the correct library (nano or normal) we need to use specs command:

arm-none-eabi-gcc -o firmare.elf main.o other.o module.o -specs=rdimon.specs

The specs mechanism invoke a bundled specsfile (*.specs) that contains the correct flags and some information to chose the right library version depending of the previous linker flags. Additionally, specfiles contains some flags used by the compiler (like some defines for check the configuration in your code)

Using previous make script

In previous article we make a generic Makefile to build our project. This provides a way to add libraries for linker scripts but not for add specfiles. To fix it, we need to add some capabilities to handle specfiles:

SOURCES=$(wildcard src/*.c)

# ...more script...

# Linker flags
LDFLAGS+=$(addprefix -L, $(LIBPATH))
LDFLAGS+=$(addprefix -l, $(LIBS))
LDFLAGS+=$(addprefix -T, $(LDSCRIPTS))
LDFLAGS+=$(addsuffix .specs, $(addprefix -specs=, $(SPECS)))

# of code...

Now, we put this code in your main and can use semihosting printf in full form:

#include <stdio.h>

extern void initialise_monitor_handles(void);

int main()
    initialise_monitor_handles(); /* Need for internal initialization */
    printf("Hello world\n");
    printf("Compiled with %s\n", __VERSION__);
    printf("At %s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__);
    return 0;

We can run program to flash the MCU but the best way to show the program running is to put the openocd in semihosting mode and run the program without exiting.

For this we need to add this rule to Makefile

# ...openocd flag sections...
OOCD_FLAGS:=-f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f1x.cfg

OOCD_CMDS:=-c "init"
OOCD_CMDS+=-c "reset halt"
OOCD_CMDS+=-c "program $(TARGET_ELF) verify reset exit"

OOCD_RUN_CMDS:=-c "init"
OOCD_RUN_CMDS+=-c "reset halt"
OOCD_RUN_CMDS+=-c "program $(TARGET_ELF) verify"
OOCD_RUN_CMDS+=-c "reset halt"
OOCD_RUN_CMDS+=-c "arm semihosting enable"
OOCD_RUN_CMDS+=-c "resume"

program: $(TARGET_ELF)

run: $(TARGET_ELF)

Now, we run the software using make run, this program the target, and start openocd and the result may be similar to this:

$> make run
xPack OpenOCD, 64-bit Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev (2019-07-17-11:25)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
debug_level: 0

target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread 
xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0x08000088 msp: 0x20005000
target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread 
xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0x08000088 msp: 0x20005000
** Programming Started **
** Programming Finished **
** Verify Started **
** Verified OK **
target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread 
xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0x08000088 msp: 0x20005000
semihosting is enabled

Hello world
Compiled with 9.2.1 20191025 (release) [ARM/arm-9-branch revision 277599]
At Nov  9 2020 12:54:14

we can peek the complete makefile from here:

Some utilities for debugging

Semihosting enables very interesting posibilities like automatic memory dump in failure or testbench execution over hardware in the loop.

By example, this simplest programm dump entire memory suposing this start at 0x20000000 and have 8K bytes.

#include <stdio.h>

extern void initialise_monitor_handles(void);

int main() {
    FILE *fd = fopen("memory.bin", "wt");
    if (fd) {
        if (fwrite((void*) 0x20000000, 8192, 1, fd) == -1) {
            perror("writing memory.bin");
        } else
            puts("Memory dump end ok");
    } else
        perror("open memory.bin");
    return 0;

Or this other that send a previos prepared data file to the serial port at:

#include <stdio.h>

// GPIO address
#define OUT (*((volatile unsigned int*)0xE0001C00))

extern void initialise_monitor_handles(void);

static char buffer[512];

int main() {
    // You need to initialize GPIO here
    FILE *fd = fopen("data.bin", "rb");
    if (fd) {
        while (!feof(fd)) {
            int readed = fread(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, fd);
            for (int i=0; i<readed; i++)
                OUT = buffer[i];
    } else
        perror("open memory.bin");
    return 0;

Some security warns

Semihosting is a good tool to work with it, but imply some security risks to consider. Semihosting have entire control of your filesystem, at least with the permission that openocd (or equivalent software) is running, and, at least teorically your firmware can create, remove or rename any files in the filesystem area where have permission.

Some scenarios of risk is:

  • On windows, you can access any location in your filesystem. Take care with it if your semihosting write or rename some files
  • The system call provides remote execution of any script or binary in the security ring where openocd is execute
  • The function unlink is really harmfull, you can remove any file without confirmation or prevention if openocd have permission of write over it
  • The open/write pair of functions need to take care for the place to write. If you are search for a temporary directory, /tmp/ is a secure place to do, and more scure is usage of tmpname function for obtain a secure filename in secure place.

All of these errors may be avoided executing openocd with correct permissions but this is not possible in all operating systems.

Last idea, hardware in the loop verification

Design and testing in embedded is hard, varios order of magnitude more hard than an entire PC based software, because the behavior is dependent on many external conditions and generate varios external observable events.

During the development process, you may require to prove your engine with the real board connected to the system generating specific events in the input and sensing specific behavior in the output.

Normally, this process involve some technical equipment and one or more humans due to run the procedure manually. This is expensive and error prone, in vast majority of cases via human errors.

The ideal way of co-verification of software-firmware-hardware is an automated test with an special mount using debugger PC, signal generators, data adquisition systems and some scripts to automatize the process.

In this scenario, the semihosting can help controlling entire process via the firmware in the device.

hardware in the loop

This technique is quite amplius and require own article, but the idea is very powerful and enables continuous integration for complex hardware.

We read in the following article