Armv7m Startup

By Martin Ribelotta | September 5, 2020

One of the most successful families of microcontrollers has been the cortex-m in its different versions (m0, m0+, m3, m4, m7, m33, etc), and one of the main reasons of its success is its simple boot process. In this article, we will travel through the magical land of code writing and look around the different implementations across some vendors, culminating with a proposed vendor-neutral startup schema with many advantages for your projects.

In this series of articles I will try to explain the tricks around code compilation, linker scripts and build systems, proposing a vendor neutral startup system for your cortex-m project.

In the search of an universal cortex-m bootstrap

The boot process for the cortex-m series is quite straight forward:

  • On reset, the processor takes the value of the special memory-mapped register VTOR and uses this as a pointer to “interrupt table”.
  • The first 32 bits of this table are loaded in the register SP to point at the processor stack
  • The second 32 bits are loaded in the register PC and point to the start of the user code.
  • The processor starts executing the instructions pointed by the current PC (the value previously loaded from VTOR+4 table)

This is a really simple but powerful schema that enables the user code to be written entirely in C following the binary interface of ARM processors (AAPCS standard), followed by virtually any compiler for this architecture.

armv7m reset schema

In contrast, the vast majority of firmwares use assembler routines for the main startup sequence for simplicity and control. In fact, this speaks about the trust that chip vendors have in the compiler. The main reason is to provide a consistent boot code across different compilation parameters and optimizations, because some compiler bugs in the past have broken the startup routine in weird manners. Nowadays, serious compilers like gcc or clang (and the arm tuned version: armcc6) have a regression test battery as part of their continuous integration process and the weird bugs in common code are really rare.

Writing a simple startup…

First of all, you need a vector with pointers to exception handlers, a reset handler and a initial stack pointer:

extern unsigned int _stack; /* Defined by the linker */

/* Function prototype, defined after */
void reset_handler(void);
void hang_isr(void);
void pass_isr(void);

void *vector_core[] __attribute__((section(".vector_core"))) = {
    (void*) &_stack,
    (void*) reset_handler,
    (void*) hang_isr, /* NMI */
    (void*) hang_isr, /* Hard Fault */
    (void*) hang_isr, /* Memory Manager Fault */
    (void*) hang_isr, /* Bus Fault */
    (void*) hang_isr, /* Usage Fault */
    (void*) 0UL,
    (void*) 0UL,
    (void*) 0UL,
    (void*) 0UL,
    (void*) 0UL,
    (void*) 0UL,
    (void*) 0UL,
    (void*) pass_isr, /* SVC Call */
    (void*) 0UL,
    (void*) 0UL,
    (void*) pass_isr, /* Pend Supervisor Call */
    (void*) pass_isr, /* SysTick */

This vector is marked as pertaining to a code section called “.vector_core”, the linker (via linking scripts) will ensure to place it in the reset vector of the chip, either the one identified by the manufacturer or the one specified by ARM defaults.

The vector table is actually bigger than this common entries, but the rest of vectors are vendor specific and need to be handled with care. In all implementations, the vector table is a huge array with the first 16 entries being common to all cortex-m parts (ARMv7M specifications).

In the presence of a severe condition ISR, the course of action is to halt the processor. This can be implemented as easily as an infinite loop, or as complex as your ego can handle.

void hang_isr(void)
    while (1) {} /* Or if you love code obfuscation try this: for(;;); */

The do-nothing handler is an empty function

void pass_isr(void)

Ideally you will provide an individual function for each exception type and store them in your own file (one for hard fault, one for mem fault, one for systick, etc), but for the example this is a valid approach.

Finally, the reset handler is the start point for your program:

void reset_handler(void)
    /* Your program here */
    while (1) {


At this point you can execute any C code, but some extra work is required to provide a perfect standard-fit C environment.

In the reset_handler function the following are considered not compliance:

  • The C language specifies that all uninitialized data must be zeroed by the startup code or OS before main function. This is called BSS section.
  • Uninitialized data has not been copied from ROM to RAM. This operation must be done before main. This is called DATA section.
  • Some C constructions emit initialization code that requires manually execution before the main function. This code must be called at this point. This is essential for C++ compatibility, as virtually all constructors of static class are called here.

In order to complete the pre-main code, the compiler needs some help from the linker script to find the following memory addresses:

  • Start of initialized data in RAM: _data
  • End of initialized data in RAM: _edata
  • Start of the copy of initialized data in ROM: _data_loadaddr
  • Start of BSS address
  • End of BSS address
  • Start of array with initialization function pointers __init_array_start;
  • End of array with initialization function pointers __init_array_end;

These symbols must be provided by the linker script, while for the C compiler this is viewed as an “extern defined unsigned integer”. The real type of these symbols may be anything, but unsigned int is useful to work with the natural type of data (in cortex-m, int matches the register size)

extern unsigned int _data_loadaddr;
extern unsigned int _data;
extern unsigned int _edata;
extern unsigned int _bss;
extern unsigned int _ebss;
extern unsigned int __init_array_start;
extern unsigned int __init_array_end;

With these data defined in the linker script you can process all tasks in order to prepare for main:

/* Define a convenient type for casting integer ptr to function ptr */
typedef void (*func_t)(void);

/* Prototype of main function */
extern int main(void);

void reset_handler(void)
    unsigned int *src;
    unsigned int *dst;

    /* Copy data from rom to ram */
    src = &_data_loadaddr;
    dst = &_data;
    while (dst < &_edata) {
        *dst++ = *src++;

    /* Set to 0 all uninitialized data */
    dst = &_bss;
    while (dst < &_ebss) {
        *dst++ = 0;

    /* Call all startup functions */
    src = &__init_array_start;
    while (src < &__init_array_end) {

    /* Finally, call main */

    while (1) {} /* And hang if main return */

This works fine in all optimizations and across all cortex-m implementations, but can be improved.

Dissecting the generated code.

We can play nice with the resulting code using the great godbolt online tools. You can see the final assembler code generated for a cortex-m3 by gcc 9 here:

If you compare it with hand-made assembler code, it looks poorly optimized:

  movs r1, #0
  b LoopCopyDataInit
  ldr r3, =_sidata
  ldr r3, [r3, r1]
  str r3, [r0, r1]
  adds r1, r1, #4
  ldr r0, =_sdata
  ldr r3, =_edata
  adds r2, r0, r1
  cmp r2, r3
  bcc CopyDataInit
  ldr r2, =_sbss
  b LoopFillZerobss
  movs r3, #0
  str r3, [r2], #4
  ldr r3, = _ebss
  cmp r2, r3
  bcc FillZerobss
  bl __libc_init_array 
  bl main
  bx lr
  b Infinite_Loop

I intentionally omitted the call to SystemInit because it was not present in the previous C example code as it only adds one more line. Additionally, the code above cheats by calling __libc_init_array to trigger the constructor’s call, but the code implied in this looks more like the loops in the assembler.

If you want your code to be on the same level as the manually generated one, you need to play around with the compilation parameters a bit.

Play the game… of compiler optimization

The first thing that comes to your mind when you think about “optimization” is to go for all, enable all heavy optimization flags, all code tricks and watch the results.

In gcc this is called -O3 and the result does not disappoint at all:

But this looks very different when compared with the hand-made code:

First of all you’ll see a sentence that looks like push {r3, r4, r5, lr}. This is a clobber register save because the compiler tries to create a regular function callable by any code, but this function is special because it is the first function called by the hardware… This weird code is fixed aby dding a naked attribute to the function. From the gcc manual:

Use this attribute on the ARM, AVR, MCORE, RX and SPU ports to indicate that the specified function does not need prologue/epilogue sequences generated by the compiler.

Additionally, the same part of gcc documentation mentions that is not safe to include any statements distinct of asm. You can ignore this warning for the purpose of this course and go for all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. In clang, the compiler ends with an error if your naked function tries to use anything apart of an asm statement.

Another point is the requirement of memcpy and memset functions. Yeeees, these are standard functions and may be provided by virtually any compiler or c library in the world, but in a freestanding environment (without OS or without runtime) this may be an undesirable behavior…

The rationale of this compiler decision is the following:

  • mem* functions are hand made to be assembler optimized and potentially more efficient in large data move/set
  • Probably perform unaligned set/move faster than C hand-made function.
  • Both functions are standard even if you infer freestanding environment

If you are ok with the previous statements, the -O3 trick is really usefully, but can become undesirable in certain cases:

  • You may not need to link with libc or provide a mem* implementation.
  • Your mem* implementations really suck.
  • Your data and bss are tiny and the overhead in code and execution type for memcpy/memset is greater than optimal.
  • You are a freak of optimization and write articles with a lot of assembler code on your blog in the weekends.

Exploring custom optimizations

All optimizations are a compromise, and our case it’s not an exception. If you want your generated code to look as streamlined as a hand-made one, I suggest following these guidelines:

  • The data and bss sections should start and end word aligned.
  • The most efficient way to move data using the processor is in a word aligned manner. This implies that the load->store pair of instructions harness the most bandwidth of the data bus.
  • The processor does not have a complex pipeline with advance superscalar architecture or out-of-order and speculative execution. Consequently all optimizations about the instruction pipe exploit are futile or less efficient than just standard code.
  • Small loops fit in execution buffer or similar structures and their execution performs more efficient than a linear execution in an speculative pipe.

All above assumptions are nearly true in the most common ARMv7M implementations like cortex-m0 to cortex-m7. Therefore the best optimizations are not necessarily the same as those made for bigger processors.

In this scenario, a less aggressive optimization performs more efficiently than -O3. For example, it may be desirable for the machine code to follow as closely as possible the idea expressed in the source code, and the best way to do this in modern versions of gcc and clang is the -Og optimization.

You can check the result of compiling our startup code using -Og and naked attribute here:

Hey! this looks closer to a hand-written code than before, but some things still seem weird:

Loop invariant extraction

This bit of C code:

  src = &_data_loadaddr;
  dst = &_data;
  while (dst < &_edata) {
    *dst++ = *src++;

Is translated into

        ldr     r3, .L9    ; dst = &_data;
        ldr     r2, .L9+4  ; src = &_data_loadaddr;
        ldr     r1, .L9+8  ; &_edata
        cmp     r3, r1     ; dst < $r1? <- this load is performed in every loop
        bcs     .L7
        ldr     r1, [r2], #4
        str     r1, [r3], #4
        b       .L3

By default, the -Og optimization does not enable loop invariant extraction.

Loop invariant extraction is a technique that extracts all non-changed data outside of a loop. This results in better loop speed at the cost of non perfect match of the final C code.


The exclusion of loop invariant extraction from -Og is a philosophical debate, but for our goals loop invariant optimization is very desirable in any case, as it maintains the behavior of source code and improves loop performance.

To enable this loop invariant extraction, you need to add the -fmove-loop-invariants flag to -Og. You can see the final result of loop variant extraction here

Once compiled, the previous code looks like this:

        ldr     r3, .L9   ; dst = &_data;
        ldr     r2, .L9+4 ; src = &_data_loadaddr;
        ldr     r1, .L9+8 ; &_edata
        cmp     r3, r1    ; dst < &_edata?
        bcs     .L7
        ldr     r0, [r2], #4 ; *src++;
        str     r0, [r3], #4 ; *dst++ = ...
        b       .L3

It looks quite close to hand-written code. Same analysis can be made for zero fill bss code.

Minor fixes with code rearrangement

If you examine the last piece of code before main call you will see that the compiler can do better:

    /* Call all startup functions */
    src = &__init_array_start;
    while (src < &__init_array_end) {

Is translated to:

        ldr     r3, .L9+20  ; $r3 is src <= &__init_array_start;
        ldr     r4, .L9+24  ; $r4 <= &__init_array_end
        cmp     r3, r4      ; (src < &__init_array_end)?
        bcs     .L5
        ; Hey gcc! you can do this better...
        adds    r5, r3, #4  ; $r5 <= src++
        blx     r3          ; jump to [$r5]
        mov     r3, r5      ; Restore $r3 with temporary $r5
        b       .L4

The main reason of this behavior is the rule *as-is. In other words, gcc tries to optimize the code while maintaining the C code structure. If you analyze the expression ((func_t)ptr++)() you will see that the machine code generated follows the C code structure:

  1. Take the value of pointer ptr
  2. Increment ptr
  3. Call the function pointed by the value taken in step 1

The generated code behavior should be: first increment the pointer, and next call the function. Any other behavior is not the correct way to generate code (at least with -Og)

The simplest way to improve the generated code is to rearrange the source code in a less fancy way:

    for (unsigned int *src = &__init_array_start; src < &__init_array_end; src++) {

Now the generated code is:

        ldr     r4, .L4    ; $r4 <= &__init_array_start
        ldr     r5, .L4+4  ; $r5 <= &__init_array_end
.L3:                       ; for(...) {
        cmp     r4, r5     ;   src < &__init_array_end?
        bcs     .L1
        blx     r4         ;     ((func_t)src)();
        adds    r4, r4, #4 ;   src++
        b       .L3        ; }

As rule of thumb, the for statement is more optimizable than its alternatives, as the compiler contains many techniques to detect cycles and perform conversions on that… Help the compiler, write in non-fancy/non-flamboyant manner.

Living with old compilers without -Og

The debug friendly -Og is a quite recent addition, and many old gcc versions do not include it. The closest option in this case is the optimization for size -Os. This optimization does not replace -Og, but it performs a good balance between code elimination and code obfuscation.

You can see the optimization result here:

As you see, the compiler does not need -fmove-loop-invariants because it is implicit in -Os.

If you do not like this approach, you can take a compiler with -Og and try to compile an empty program with -fverbose-asm and -S:

FLAGS="-mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fmove-loop-invariants -Og"
echo $(echo "void f() {}" | 
  ${CC} ${FLAGS} -S -fverbose-asm -x c - -o - |
  grep -E '^\@' |
  grep -E 'options enabled:' -A 100000 |
  grep -oE '\-[fm]\S+')

This lists the optimization enabled in a compiler in -Og mode. Maybe some new optimizations can not be ported to your old compiler but you only need to remove the unsupported options according to your gcc version.

In my compiler 9.2.1 20191025 the output for this command is:

-faggressive-loop-optimizations -fassume-phsa -fauto-inc-dec -fcombine-stack-adjustments -fcommon -fcompare-elim -fcprop-registers -fdata-sections -fdefer-pop -fdelete-null-pointer-checks -fdwarf2-cfi-asm -fearly-inlining -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fforward-propagate -ffp-int-builtin-inexact -ffunction-cse -ffunction-sections -fgcse-lm -fgnu-runtime -fgnu-unique -fguess-branch-probability -fident -finline -finline-atomics -fipa-profile -fipa-pure-const -fipa-reference -fipa-reference-addressable -fipa-stack-alignment -fira-hoist-pressure -fira-share-save-slots -fira-share-spill-slots -fivopts -fkeep-static-consts -fleading-underscore -flifetime-dse -flto-odr-type-merging -fmath-errno -fmerge-constants -fmerge-debug-strings -fmove-loop-invariants -fomit-frame-pointer -fpeephole -fplt -fprefetch-loop-arrays -freg-struct-return -freorder-blocks -fsched-critical-path-heuristic -fsched-dep-count-heuristic -fsched-group-heuristic -fsched-interblock -fsched-last-insn-heuristic -fsched-pressure -fsched-rank-heuristic -fsched-spec -fsched-spec-insn-heuristic -fsched-stalled-insns-dep -fsection-anchors -fsemantic-interposition -fshow-column -fshrink-wrap -fshrink-wrap-separate -fsigned-zeros -fsplit-ivs-in-unroller -fsplit-wide-types -fssa-backprop -fstdarg-opt -fstrict-volatile-bitfields -fsync-libcalls -ftoplevel-reorder -ftrapping-math -ftree-builtin-call-dce -ftree-ccp -ftree-ch -ftree-coalesce-vars -ftree-copy-prop -ftree-cselim -ftree-dce -ftree-dominator-opts -ftree-dse -ftree-forwprop -ftree-fre -ftree-loop-if-convert -ftree-loop-im -ftree-loop-ivcanon -ftree-loop-optimize -ftree-parallelize-loops= -ftree-phiprop -ftree-reassoc -ftree-scev-cprop -ftree-sink -ftree-slsr -ftree-ter -funit-at-a-time -fverbose-asm -fzero-initialized-in-bss -masm-syntax-unified -mbe32 -mfix-cortex-m3-ldrd -mlittle-endian -mpic-data-is-text-relative -msched-prolog -mthumb -munaligned-access -mvectorize-with-neon-quad

In the next article, you will learn how to put the correct code in correct place via linker scripts, and could see how is generated the final executable.